Monday, July 21, 2008

Fedor, Silva, Arlovski, Fight Fans: All Big Winners

Since they happened simultaneously, we watched Affliction first. After the Fedor fight, I'm thinking, "This is the best fighter in the world right now." Until the Silva fight on UFC. Then I was back to thinking Anderson Silva is the best pound for pound. Obviously, everyone on the planet would kill his own mother to see these two fight, but I just don't think it will ever happen. Which is too bad because they are both running out of opponents quickly. Which is more impressive for Silva now that he is essentially in two weight classes. Arlovski was also very impressive, as was the preliminary fight shown on UFC right after the headliner where Rory Markham pulled a head kick out of nowhere that instantly ended Brodie Farber's night. Video below... who loves ya baby?

Fedor Vs. Silvia

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