Sunday, November 16, 2008

UFC 91: The New Age of Cock Chestnar

The big guy with the penis on his chest won.

I guess hitting Randy in the head with a truck is his Kryptonite or Communism or whatever Captain America's weakness was, I don't remember. The behemoth known as Cock Chestnar knocked The Natural down with a powerful, well placed blow from his redwood with knuckles, and then proceeded to administer more hammer-fists than a back alley in Tijuana. Some people will most likely claim that Randy Couture is too old, I say that on that day the man was too human. Finally, Brock has a belt to go with his pearl necklace.

... Also, these two guys kissed.

Though, at first, it may seem that it was an accident, anyone who claims such nonsense is clearly homophobic. The ancient Greeks knew the feelings that grow inside a man after engaging in physical combat with another man. Let's not set the human race back thousands of years by denying the beauty and innocence behind this bold display of affection between two fags.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its a fuken fake video i was there it didn happen the way theyre showin it